
Our purpose in life is the very meaning of our existence and without knowing this we often suffer ignorant of our own significance!

Our purpose in life is the very meaning of our existence and without knowing this we often suffer ignorant of our own significance!

TIWFGF was birthed purely by divine directions! Sometimes when the Lord calls you to do something you may not have the clarity of which way to go, but if you can remain obedient to his call he will surely make it all clear to you! A few months ago the Lord impressed upon my heart to host a pre-valentine celebration for young girls both in the foundation and outside of the foundation, to reach out to them and educate them on God’s kind of love, self-confidence, life’spurpose, how to dress etc. I really did not want to do it because I didn’t know how I was going to pull this, I did not know where I was going to find the speakers….. but the Lord clearly told me that if I failed to do it, that any young girl that I was supposed to reach out to that gets pregnant in this valentine season he will hold me responsible! That really scared me! I decided to jump into action, reached out to the speakers & within a space of two hours I got all the speakers needed for this event & more than I needed!

As the speakers began to speak I found out that God indeed orchestrated this whole event as all the speakers had similar backgrounds and similar stories in common! Today I saw the hand of God in action! I saw God move like never before! I saw him speak through these women! Not only was it a very educational and inspiring event, by the grace of God over 100 youngsters were led to Christ to the glory of God Almighty!💃🏻🙌
over 150 of them were fed with some delicious food! About 50 girls were gifted with self-care items and some valentine goodies to the glory of God!

I am thankful for everyone that joined in virtually, I have gotten so much positive feedbacks & can only say thank you Lord!

I am truly humbled and thankful that I was able to obey the command of the Lord!

I want to say a huge thank you to our awesome spirit filled speakers & ministers Women that have been through and have come through, and today excelling and authorities in the different fields!

I am truly thankful for our well able program coordinator Ms. Obiajulu Nworji! I couldn’t ask for a better Cordinator than you! You pulled this as always! To the Media crew, the MC and everyone that contributed in one way or the other to make this event a success I say God bless & reward you all mightily in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏽

#gratefulheart #Goddidit #servingpurpose